Thursday, August 17, 2006

You speak in whispers that I strain to hear
O, if only I could drown out the static
Just to hear You clearly, plainly

You speak in simple tones and words
But I somehow always manage to mangle them
I seem to lose their meanings

I long for Your embrace
I long to lose this fear; to be filled with Your peace
Why do I hasten and bustle, when I could rest in You

You tell me to stop and see You
I used to look for You in grandiose things
But I was mistaken

You, I found in life's simple beauty
A hawk flying free, a praying mantis on a flower,
A gentle ocean breeze, children's laughter

I look at Man and see Your sadness
We are tainted and bent, but O, save by Your grace
We can be made whole again

You give me eyes of compassion and love
You fill me with the Joy that is found in Your Spirit
Your sacrifice girds me with the strength and courage I need

O, to clear this noisy clutter from my head
I long to just hear Your still small voice
To be held in Your arms

I long for Your presence
To walk long hours with You
To sing my life song for You

Heal me by Your touch
Assuage the open wounds on my soul
Pick me up and send me on my way, O Lord

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