Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy New Year!! I know it's quite late, but it is a new year for me and I'm finally catching up with my life. I accepted a position at the University of Kentucky for a PhD in Entomology! I am gonna be a Bug lady for the rest of my life, woo-hoo! ; )

This year I am resolving to getting back into touch with my friends, not get discouraged over little things, work and study hard, and just simply enjoy life.

Julia -- I am writing back to your email!! Saranya -- what is your address? It's been so tempting not to munch on your Hershey's chocolate! : ) Shreya -- I miss you! Marri -- thanks for checking in with me. Jasmine -- don't freeze in Canada!! Kim -- let's get together again soon. Miri -- thanks for letting me stay with you and 'mother' you in my own sort of way : ) Cait -- i miss my twin sis!

I'm in Virginia now visiting friends and family and researching housing in Lexington, KY. I should start in mid-May collecting spiders et al....I'll be living in horse country (yipee!!) and hopefully enjoy life in Lexington. I'd love any and all visitors!

My update: Hm...let's see. Still seemingly forever and wicked single...looking forward to my PhD and starting that new chapter in my life...no drastic changes to report: new hairstyle, and ever present chocolate paunch and that's it!

My wishlist for the year: 1. New leg : ) 2. Meet someone special 3. See long lost friends again (aka, Oxford buddies) 4. Meet the Irish Rugby team 5. Go somewhere I've never been before 6. Learn to like seafood (yes, Miri...I will try) 7. Read more books 8. See my brother's Navy ship 9. Find another American who enjoys cricket 10. Lose my severe chocolate addiction gained from living within smelling distance of the chocolate factory, where chocolates were never few and far between : )

I hope to write more meaningful and not mundane posts from now on. And keep writing my poetry, since this is my 'song.'