Monday, June 26, 2006

Well!!!! I finally got to meet up with some of my girlfriends from college, girls I hadn't seen in 2 years! It was great!!!! We met up at the Smithsonian and walked around the Natural History Musuem a bit....and thanks ladies for letting me see the Insect Zoo and get all excited : ) You're right Jasmine, I was hoping that little boy who kept asking me about that huge beetle would be so excited by the time I finished pointing it out to him.....and yet he just said, "oh" and went to get his dad....oh well! : ) I'm going to definitely see if they have any openings in the insect zoo to work there. : ) yeah! ; )

But it was great to see my good friends, experience the DC metro once slow! Miri and Kim were there as well and Kim, Caitlin and I got stuck in a massive downpour of buckets upon buckets of rain at the metro stop running to the car. It was fun tho.....sort of reminded me of a rainy night in Oxford running around in the Linacre College garden. ; )

In two weeks we're meeting up again (without Cait, she came along for the first trip), but seeing Abbie, my roomate from college and our dear friend! It will be great to see her, as I haven't seen her in two years! We're all looking forward to it, and hopefully will have a fun weekend planned. This time we'll meet up somewhere and stay overnight so we can spend more time together. : )

Am studying hard for the GRE and am focusing on applying for late admission to schools. I've thought about it and I'd like to stay in the field of insect ecology or biological diversity. While I love all animals....I think insects are pretty cool. Preferrably not spiders.....even after studying them for so long in college, I've lost any courage built up and am once again, freaked out by spiders! : )

My right knee is doing well and I'm walking the dog a mile everday, except the last several days, as we've had nothing but heavy rain and severe thunderstorms! My left knee is now pretty sore....but I'm thinking it's a remnant of walking around the Museum in DC...and overcompensating when my right knee got tired. But, I'm running better now....just need to build up goodness....just going up a flight of stairs at a normal pace still get's me winded sometimes.... : ) I want to get back to my old self....but it's happening.

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