Monday, May 22, 2006

Job search: on-going! HELP!!!!! If I could, I would love to go back to England. I kind of fell in love with the UK ; ) But for the interim, it looks like I'll have to settle for the good ol' US of A : )

There's tons of bio-tech jobs, but alot of them require knowledge of procedures I don't know, cause I focused so much on ecology/zoology. So, i'm looking at a few environmental jobs, teaching jobs (if I can), and trying to find a job with an international conservation organization.

I'm staying at my parent's place outside of DC, but let's hope I find a job/place soon for myself! I'm praying that the insurance will kick in also, so I can pay back my sister and parents for my prosthesis. The malfunctioning one ; ) But you know what, a life without bumps in the road would leave for a really boring ride.

I'm trying to run a little bit (not really running by any normal standards, I suppose) (and not very far!!), trying to get back on track. It's nice having Toula around (my dog) to run outside with and play with, but she's not too good on the leash....I'm doing my exercises regularly and I've even driven the big red van!, if only I knew where I was going! : ) The local gym (cheapest one) costs $10 a day to work out at!!!! CRAZINESS!!! So, I'm making due as I can with my knee strengthening. Tug of war with Toula, while doing squats and lunges helps a bit, LOL : )

Anyways, I've also been very bad at keeping in touch. I don't have internet access with my laptop here at my parents place, but I can use their computer, so no IM's, but now I can email again! So, hopefully in the near future (aka later today) I can churn out some emails. My wrist is bugging me (it's the one I over extended the tendons on one to many times at a kid), so I'll probably keep them short and sweet (shocking!!!) ; ) I think from the 6 months or so I was on the crutches, I just aggravated the wrist.

GUYS!!!!! BEFORE I FORGET....I finally made RAJMAH!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't find any rajmah masala, so I kind of made up my own trying to remember how it tasted and mixing spices. It actually worked! I only made enough for me, but I gave Dad a little bit. It was so good to be eating spicy foods again! Miri, I can't wait to have some of your Mom's kim chi!!!!!

Also, whatever accent or pitch in voice I might have gained in England and from my friends has been replaced by an annoying yankee Boston accent! I'll try to work on it guys.....not much help though, being in Virginia, gaining back those "y'alls" and slow drawls. : )

My brother's Navy commissioning was really neat. We have some great pictures of him in his dress whites uniform. His girlfriend is a nice girl too, I finally met her!! And get this!? Her birthday is the day before mine and Cait' NO EXCUSES for Jared!!! He can finally remember his sisters' birthday, and yes, little brother, typically twins have the same birthday!! : ) I think after a few years, I'll let all the birthday stuff go, but for now, it's a fun family joke. ; )

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