I remember standing on a beach once, around 6 years ago. It was close to sun rise and I had been sitting in the sand watching the waves crash as the tide went out. I hadn't bothered this time to look for shells or colored glass...I just was....breathing deeply...letting the wind sweep through my hair. I had been burdened by a hurt heart...a crushed dream....fears for the future....
But as that wind blew, gently yet strong....I knew what I could do....
So I picked up a handful of sand and as I turned to the low lying red sun as orange flames crept over the water...I let the sand trickle out and blow into the ocean....get washed away....
If only I had let Him release my self placed inadequate bandaids before...I lifted my hand up towards heaven...and with hope, faith, resolve, said...."Have at it, Lord!"...let your cleansing water, soothing wind, tender voice...clean and heal the oozing wounds in my heart. And you know something...as the sun changed from red to fiery orange, to a bright and happy yellow...I felt so light.
His plans are not to harm you, but to give you hope and a future....His best for me is just beginning....He reminded me of that memory today and how light, free and hopeful I had felt.