Saturday, September 23, 2006

I wish I could take you in my arms little one
To take on your pain and disease
To dispel it from you
To see the sparkle return to your eyes

How helpless are we?
I long to see you run free
I would, that I could, take your sickness upon myself
Because I am stronger than you

You gave joy and laughter
It's not fair that you, you of all, should suffer
This mystery is almost too painful
You were meant to keep her from being alone

And now nothing is certain
But is it ever really?
You look at me with mournful eyes
My heart breaks with each glance

Powerless to heal
I can only cry with you
O, little one, that I could take your place
You are innocent, and I've lived longer than you

Saturday, September 09, 2006

TWINS!!! Here's a picture of me at Cait's apartment in August. Well, I'm back in Hershey for the month or until I have a job somewhere. I'm looking for a temp position at a store or as a waitress for the interim, and am waiting to hear back about a few internships in DC with Conservation International. I looked at WWF, but they don't have anything available. I'm set to take the Biology GRE's...yes another exam!...on Nov. 4, and I'll be going to Miri's in Lexington, VA to take that. Let's just hope, and pray, that everything works out in terms of me getting into grad school for next fall. I'm feeling pretty discouraged with how the chips keep falling, not in my favour....but I still believe I'll end up where I'm supposed to be.

Maggie's been very sick lately....first we thought she had a blockage, and then a parasite (protazoan or tapeworm)....but today at the Vet's, they found nothing in her stool culture, and did blood work and her creatinine level was high as well as her amylase levels, indicating something is possibly wrong with her kidneys and that the GI problems (for over a week have been battling vomitting, dry heaves, and diarrhea) are a side effect of the kidney stuff. So she was on a GI antibiotic last for this week, the poor dog is going to run the gammut of med's/deworming/special diet foods. So starting today we're giving her 3 Pepsids each morning and night, she's on special high fiber, low protein, low fat diet from the vets (cans of it).....tomorrow I give her the doggie equivalent of amoxicillin for possible kidney infection, and the same GI antibiotic, two and three times a day respectively, while on this special diet. This regimen continues Mon-Wed, but with an added deworming treatment at lunch time (this powder stuff that I think is going to take a miracle for her to eat)...and then Thursday, a tapeworm treatment....and Friday back to just the antibiotics and pepsids....then Saturday back to the Vets to check her creatinine levels again. Let's hope that things will sort themselves out and this puppy will go back to being her happy go-lucky self. Poor sweetie.

Anyways, I will be in touch with my friends ASAP....moving around and not knowing where I'd end up, I haven't had much to update people on. But I am feeling kind of lonely....and a bit like a failure, seems like I can't find a job anywhere. Let's see how things go....will keep trying....